Am i the only one that is in utter disbelief that the year is already over?!?! Where the heck has it gone seriously!.. My year has been full of happenings that i hope stay in 2009 and don't follow me in 2010 lol But let's not focus on the past.. I like focusing on what is about to come. I've been collecting thoughts in my head, making a list, of a few resolutions i'd like to see happen, unlike last year, where i dont even remember a thing about my goals lol So with that said let's focus on the future!
1) Since im going back to school (thank God!), i would like to be able to focus on studying hard and get super good grades. I'd like to graduate in a year or two and good grades are necesarry at the moment lol (in case you ask: im a junior at a university here in Chicago)
2) I would love to be able to eat a lot healthier, be active and loose a few of the holiday lbs... I've been eating junk here and there and it's no good for me and my screwed up metabolism...no good at all lol
3) I want to buy more makeup! And i feel this is a goal because wherever i go and see makeup i have to get it without thinking if i'll need it, use it or even like it at all. Instead of doing that, i'll have a "wish list" and focus on getting good high end brand makeup (i.e. Nars and Mac) =)
4) I have to learn that communication is a two-way street. I haven't been in touch with the people that matter most thinking that they should be the one talking to me. It shouldnt always be the case. I don't want to loose moments i will never get back because of my disfunctional thinking.
5) I need a job! In order to make my #3 come true i have to have a job lol it's been such a difficult time for me and i haven't had any luck finding work at all. I've worked for my dad for a while but i would love to cut that cord and find a job on my own. So i will try harder.
6) Re-new my wardrobe... this one is like an emergency. I recently cleaned out my closet and threw out so many old clothes, so many weird ones which made me question my sense of judgement when i shop, and a lot of shirts and dont match with anything in my life lol Soooooo i want to start building a nice wardrobe for myself.
7) I want to try to remember to have my camera with me wherever i go. I want to take pictures all the time or everything i see, of anything i find interesting. I'd like to have that power to stop the time in every photo i snap. I've done that this year too but i would like to do it more this up coming year.
8) I want to learn something new. I dont really care what it is. I think all the time i had off from school made me long for learning lol Whethere it's a new dish, a three-layered cake or simply how to french-braid my hair...something new must be learned lol
9) I want to use my creative side and create a lot of things. I want to go back to drawing things, making things, inventing things and just have a part of me, something that's mine, out there for the people to see
10) Lastly i want to enjoy life a lot more. Talk to old friends, make new ones, spend time with my family, and just make simple moment in life count. I'm hoping for a great year =)
Thanks for reading my blabbing
Thanks for being a reader and a follower
Happy New Year!!!