Finally! I got around to making this post lol I always love when i see posts about purse content. It's so much fun and interesting to see what people carry with them. Although i dont find what's in my purse interesting, maybe you will?
Here's the purse i use at the moment. It's very wintery looking because of the fur around it. I love it. Its a medium size Maxximum purse and i believe i got it from Aldo a long time ago. I'm in need of a new bag really badly but this will do for now

Here's everything that's inside

1) My makeup bag
2) Fancy pen from Borders lol i like to carry a pen with me. You never know when you might need it
3) My keys and too many keychains
4) Hair clip for when i need to put up my hair or just get it out of the way
5) Puffs tissues! Love these... yes i do have a preferance when it comes to tissues lol
6) Cottonelle Fresh wet wipes
7) People laugh at me for this one.. My first aid kit lol I have in it band-aids, a tube of neosporin and some cleansing wipes for first aid. Its handy believe me lol
8) My mini pharmacy lol I have some tylenol, advil, midol and vitamin.
9) Tide to-go pen.. i haven't used this yet for anything but i feel cool having it with me (LOL!)
10) Britney Spears Fantasy lotion.. i love how this smells so i always have to have it with me
11) My iPod!
12) My wallet that fits all my cards ...i belive its a Guess
And now for the real makeup bag!

I have everything in this silver Stila clutch...
1) "Elizabeth Arden" tiny palette with two eyeshadows, two lip colors and gorgeous blush. It came with a set once but im not sure exactly. It's great if i need a touch-up
2) Nail files, in case of nail accidents
3) Compact mirror/brush
4) Mac sample container and in it i have my Juicy Couture lotion lol instead of carrying that huge jar i just put a little in this sample container
5) Sephora tweezers
6) Nail clippers ...its just good to have one
7) My mini brushes (face and eyes)
8) Minty waxed floss ...i usually dont use this but i have to be prepared anyway lol
9) Purell hand sanitizer .. i like to keep my hands clean
10) Burts bees lip balm .. i love this stuff i have like 3 of them lol
11) Revlon lipgloss in "Pink Whisper" .. my to-go lipgloss
12) Revlon lipstick in "Smooth Nude" this lipstick!
13) C.O. Bigelow "Raspberry mentha lip shine" ..perfect shine and amazing fresh smell/taste
14) Beauty Rush lipgloss ...yummy bubblegum lips
15) Urban Decay 24/7 eye pencil in "Zero"...look how tiny it is! lol
I forgot to take picture of what's in my sides pockets but it's usually a pack of Orbit gum and about three sugar packets i keep for when im with my dad because he's a diabetic.
That's basically it! =)